
I relish any opportunity to speak with diverse audiences about both big ideas and the specific projects I am working on. I can give punchy 10 minute presentations that concisely communicate complex concepts, as well as longer presentations that dig deep and provide enough history and context to fill an hour.

Some of my previous apperances include multiple Schelling Points (Denver, Amsterdam, Bogota) and Sustainable Blockchain Summits (Paris, Bogota, Boston), as well as DeFiDay Amsterdam, ETHPorto and DeFiCon NYC. I have also appeared on podcasts such as Greenpill and Quorum.

From crowded conference halls to intimate gatherings of builders and intellectuals, I’ve delivered lectures, facilitated roundtables, and appeared on numerous panels. Here’s a playlist on YouTube with most of my recorded speaking engagements, or see this tag on this blog for some past talks I’ve highlighted.

I also enjoy mentoring and judging hackathons, having mentored at ETHDenver, ETHBogota and ETHPorto, as well as mentored and judged at Good Hack NYC.

I’d love to work together on your next event!

For personal appearances at events or on podcasts, please reach out to me via email or direct message on Twitter.

For inquiries directly related to KlimaDAO, please email marcus@klimadao.finance and include press@klimadao.finance under cc.